Saturday, February 20, 2016

McDonald's Shopkins Toys review

My cousin, Reese, got me hooked on Shopkins. When she visited me, all she wanted to play was Shopkins! I didn't have any so mommy brought Reese and I to Target and let us both pick out 1 Shopkins toy. BIG mistake! It made me LOVE Shopkins!!!

When McDonald's had their Shopkins Happy Meal, I begged mommy for McDonald's lunch everyday! Mommy said we can have it for a short while so that we can collect as many Shopkins as we can. Unfortunately, there were too many of them!!! There were 16 numbered baggies, each baggie had 1 regular Shopkins and 1 blind bag Shopkins. There were over 50 total Shopkins with the blind bags so that means I will have quite a few repeats to get the blind bags.We got almost 40 then the toys ended and got switched out. I was disappointed that we were not able to get all of them. But I am proud of the ones I did get. Even daddy had to each McDonald's Happy Meal so that I can get more baggies! Mommy also bought just the toy because she got tired of eating McDonald's everyday.

I actually prefer playing with these larger McDonald sized Shopkins than the regular Shopkins. The regular one are very cute and detailed but they are very tiny! Some like the ruler Shopkins are almost too tiny to play with! I am so afraid of losing them that I don't really want to play with them too often. The McDonald's Shopkins are made very nice! They do not seem brittle. I like them a lot!

Pt 1

Pt 2

Pt 3

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